
We must have compassion for those church people who fall from the high standards we expect from them, or even that they expect from themselves as followers of Christ. It is Christ that we look to as our Savior, not to weak and frail men. We can’t just reject fellow believers because their words or actions are like screeching fingernails on a chalkboard to us. Sharpening iron makes noise. The screeching indicates we are being sharpened. The temptation is to remove ourselves from their presence, by finding what we think is a better church, but we are just removing ourselves from the sharpening process. Some things need to be tolerated, as much as we are able. If we point out what is wrong about their actions, they will probably excommunicate us from our presence anyway, if they love their sin more than they do Jesus.


Proverbs 27:17 (1611 KJB) Iron sharpeneth iron: so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man bee ouertaken in a fault: yee which are spirituall, restore such a one in the spirit of meeknesse, considering thy selfe least thou also be tempted.…/the-lapsed-an-ancient-church…/

Author: Astrobiology Associates

Senior data analyst at Astrobiology Associates

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